
BLOG #1 - All at the same time 

This is the first article I write about on my blog, which I’ve titled: “All at the same time” -  

Today on April 14th of 2021, I completed my 41st lap around the Sun on this planet and as you all can imagine, whether you are 40, 30 or 20 years old, in these times we’re all going through a crisis of some sort.  In my case, for various reasons I won’t mention today, just because I don’t feel prepared for, I’d like to fill you in on the fact that I’m going through a time of transition and lots of “unlearning “ in many aspects of my life and more than a closing chapter I’m experiencing it as the end of a book and the beginning of another one. This is the reason why I’ve decided to freely express here ideas, thoughts, information that I’ve been gathering from here and there that can eventually take the form of a coherent discourse even if it touches either  personal  or professional matters, as well as reality or fiction, the past or the future. 

I’ve always wanted to write. I’ve always liked to write and for a long time I paradoxically drained that restlessness need through audiovisual projects such as film, TV, content and advertising. Most of them didn’t see or haven’t seen the light by far, so now after having gone through all these complicated production and logistics and by this I mean the steps that are required to meet the goal, I give great value to the fact of being able to sit down wherever I’m at and just write these “codes” so that the  imagination of those who read are able to picture images and connect with feelings by using only this artifice, the written word. Without intermediaries.  Wow, it may even sound foolish but  like my long time great friend La Tormenta: “it's fucking magic”. Like him I now intend to write but this time isn’t to convince a jury to choose my script. I don't want to convince the reader of anything different than simply being carried away by the lines and that you can take something useful from it, that's it. Just like,  the simple but most gratifying taste of giving with no agenda, to transmit in the rawest and most direct way. 

And yes, to me is a total chimera this thing of wanting to make independent cinema as if it were the only form of expression.  It’s like having a post-dated voucher on happiness, while conditioning the feeling of being
whole” or complete  for something that may never come. And although the desire and the utopical drive is still there, today I choose to say no: life is  now!  I shorten the parable of convincing X number of people to sit in a dark room in front of a screen to take away a message that can also be delivered in a paragraph or even a single sentence in the cyberspace. 

Later I will talk about it in more depth but as for now I just wanted to leave a written statement here for those who like to read me: Today I’m determined to find my own  voice in this world - in the city and in the country where I now live, with my contradictions, my creative obsessions and a crazy melting pot of tools by asking this question: Who am I? What do I do? I wonder... Am I what I do or I simply am.  What do I want to do? , I intend in this blog - which sometimes will be a Vlog too, why not? to express most of all ideas, the way I perceive life as well as many other things.  

Everytime I see more in the world how some practices are beginning to emerge like those that for some strange reason are common in a camping tent called Venezuela - the country I was born in, a place of  dissimulation according to José Ignacio Cabrujas, one of our greatest playwrights and chroniclers - where the line between the real and the fictitious has become increasingly blurred.

Coming from that maelstrom, with scars on my skin but also with affections and longings intact, I dearly value  being able to express ideas and discuss them for what they are: proposals, visualizations that help us to improve, thoughts that transcend the personal. We can always speak about ideas (not ideals or obsolete ideologies) without resorting to the disqualification of those who express them. Venezuela, my country, where I grew up, graduated, got married and where my eldest daughter was born, where my father died and where my grandparents rest, is undoubtedly a wonderful test laboratory for humanity as a whole. Where the best and the worst, the sublime and the grotesque, the good, the bad, the neutral met and are revealed. Hence the name of this Blog and even if  I don’t dive  into those deep waters today, sometimes incomprehensible, I can’t deny that having been tanned there has been crucial part of that voice that now writes this new “volume” of my life.

 If you made it this far, thank you! I hope you enjoy the next articles on my blog. The upcoming titles are:

  • Muse 

  • If it is not written it doesn’t exist

  • The factory of ideas: notes on creativity

  • As the singularity arrives: notes on artificial intelligence 

  • The Factory of the Impossible: My Chimera of Independent Filmmaking

  • The Threshold of the Invisible - Story. 

  • Hybrid worlds: new formats of expression.

  • IQ + EQ: Positive connection

  • My mirrors

And one day when I'm ready and have healed and evolved enough I’ll share  more about myself in an even  rawer way:

  • Yes, I'm a son of a bitch (Metaphorically speaking Beulah in case you read this, I love you).

  • All about my father. 

  • You are not to blame. 

  • The love equation.

Thanks for everything folks, for the good, for the neutral and for the bad too. Let's not waste any more time on negativities. Hodie Mihi Cras Tibi. I leave you with the most important thing I kept from my experience working in @translucidofilm, digest  and Internalize this:  Life is now.